
Sunday, April 7, 2013


Join us here at Bloody Elbow WWE WrestleMania 29, which is headlined by a WWE Championship match between The Rock and John Cena, a grudge match between former UFC heavyweight champion Brock Lesnar and Triple H and The Streak is on the line when The Undertaker, 20-0 at WrestleMania, takes on former WWE Champion CM Punk.
We'll have coverage of all the matches, giving you the lowdown on what's happening at MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, N.J., along with results and discussion in the comments section.
Here's what's on tap for tonight:
In the books:
WWE Intercontinental Championship: Wade Barrett vs. The Miz
What went down: This was a short match, lasting only about five minutes. Miz was rather amped up and was able to withstand an early charge from Barrett. He had the Figure Four Leg Lock applied once, but Barrett made it to the ropes.
Winner: The Miz won his second Intercontinental Championship by making Barrett submit to the Figure Four Leg Lock.
Randy Orton, Sheamus & The Big Show vs. The Shield
What went down: The Shield took a beating early on, especially with Big Show laying in chops to Ambrose, but they came back and we able to keep Big Show in their corner. Things got crazy, but Sheamus was looking to make the big tag to Big Show, but Orton jumped in and tagged himself in. He got rolling, hitting a great RKO on a flying Rollins, but he turned right around into a spear from Reigns and Ambrose covered him for the pin. After the match, Big Show hit the KO punch of both Sheamus and Orton.
Winner: The Shield
Ryback vs. Mark Henry
What went down: All Henry in the early going, as he won the early strength battles with Ryback. It continued to be all Henry, working Ryback over with bear hugs and other power moves. Ryback, though, fired up and actually got Henry up on his shoulders for the Shell Shock, but Ryback couldn't hold it when Henry grabbed the top rope and buckled under the weight and Henry pinned him. After the match, Henry tried to attack more, but Ryback hit a spinebuster and left him laying with the Shell Shock.
Winner: Mark Henry
WWE Tag Team Championship: Team Hell No vs. Dolph Ziggler & Big E Langston
What went down: Looking back to last year, Ziggler pulls AJ up on the apron for a kiss, only to turn around into a high kick from Daniel Bryan, the exact opposite of what happened to him last year, only Ziggler kicked out at two. Bryan hit a furious suicide dive and it was on from there. Ziggler and Langston were impressive in this one, but it came to an end when Kane choke slammed Ziggler and Bryan hit a big flying headbutt.
Winner: Daniel Bryan & Kane, still WWE Tag Team Champions.
Chris Jericho vs. Fandango
What went down: Jericho all over Fandango to start the match, but Fandango settled in. He hit his guillotine leg drop from the top rope, but Jericho kicked out. The two went back-and-forth with Fandango missing the leg drop again. Jericho went for the Lionsault but over shot it, landing poorly on his knee. He tried to go for the Walls of Jericho anyway, but couldn't plant. The momentary hesitation allowed Fandango to grab Jericho in a small package for the win.
Winner: Fandango
World Heavyweight Championship: Alberto Del Rio vs. Jack Swagger
What went down: Swagger worked the shoulder in the early going. This is a back-and-forth match with both men hitting moves. Swagger locks in the Patriot Lock and they trade their submission moves with Del Rio working the cross-armbreaker a few times. The action spilled to the outside when Zeb Colter got involved, putting Swagger's foot on the rope and then kicking Ricardo Rodriguez in his broken ankle. Del Rio came out, but was hammered by Swagger and thrown into the barricade. Back in the ring, though, Del Rio countered Swagger, locking in the cross-armbreaker and forcing the tap.
Winner: Alberto Del Rio, still World Heavyweight Champion
The Undertaker vs. CM Punk
What went down: Some great action here. Undertaker took it to Punk on the outside, but Punk countered Old School by dragging Taker to the mat and then did it himself. Later, he went for it again, but Taker crotched him. He hit the ropes for his big WrestleMania dive, but Paul Heyman got in the way to stop it. Punk took advantage of the distraction and hit a clothesline and the big elbow drop. He went for the GTS, but Undertaker hit a choke slam, but Punk kicked out at two.
A Punk high kick sent Taker onto the Spanish announce table. Punk goes to the top and hits a flying elbow, but the table doesn't break. Undertaker barely beats the count. Punk goes to follow up but Taker locks in the Hell's Gate. Punk counters into the Anaconda Vice. Undertaker zombie sits up out of it and is eventually able to hit the Tombstone, but Punk kicks out.
Punk hits the corner knee after accidentally taking out the referee. Taker turns it into the Last Ride, but Heyman hands Punk the urn and he knocks Taker out with it. He goes for Undertaker's signature cover, but Taker kicks out at the very last fraction of a second. They trade a bunch of reversals, but it's Undertaker who is able to hit the Tombstone and move to 21-0 at WrestleMania.
Winner: The Undertaker
No Holds Barred Match: Brock Lesnar vs. Triple H
What went down: Lesnar in complete and total control, putting Triple H through the Spanish announce table and working knees from the clinch and punches. Triple H tries to fire back with a steel chair, and hits the Pedigree after a distraction from Shawn Michaels, but Lesnar kicks out. HHH goes to get his sledgehammer, but Lesnar ducks it and hits the F5, but now it's Triple H that kicks out at two.
Lesnar uses the steel steps to his advantage and wants the Kimura, but Triple H is able to jam his way out of it twice. Now a third time. Lesnar sits on the top turnbuckle with it but Triple H uses a spinebuster to break it. Triple H uses a low blow to put Lesnar down and then slams his arm into the post and then hits it with a steel chair against the post. Then against the steel chair in the ring. Triple H jumps into the Kimura. Lesnar thinking about tapping. Paul Heyman comes in, but Michaels eliminates him with Sweet Chin Music. Lesnar lifts Triple H up and slams him on the steps, but Triple H locks it in again. Repeat. Lesnar lifts him up, but Triple H grabs the head and DDTs him on the steps. He grabs the sledge and hits Lesnar with it and then follows with the Pedigree on the steps to end it.
Winner: Triple H
WWE Championship: The Rock vs. John Cena
What went down: A slow match to start, but the two started pulling out their big moves early, kicking out of all of them. Each man threw everything but the kitchen sink at each other, but finally, it was Cena who was able to pull it out, countering the Rock Bottom with the Attitude Adjustment, pinning The Rock 1-2-3 in the center of the ring to become champion for the first time since August 2011.
The two gave each other props at the end of the match, raising each other's arms, with fireworks going off in the background. Cena stands tall again.
Winner: John Cena, new WWE Champion.